Mission Statement
The Geothermal Energy & Geofluids group is endowed by the Werner Siemens Foundation and investigates reactive fluid (water, CO2, CxHy, N2) and (geothermal) energy (heat, pressure) transfer in the Earth’s crust employing computer simulations, laboratory experiments and field analyses to gain fundamental insights and to address a wide range of societal goals and concerns. ➞ Read More
GEG News
Doctoral Examination Mohamed Ezzat
On May 6, 2024, Mohamed Ezzat has successfully defended his PhD thesis, entitled: “Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Plasma-Pulse Geo-Drilling Technology“.
A GEG paper receives the Rock Mechanics Bulletin Excellent Paper 2022-2023 Award. The paper is:
Li, Z., X. Ma, X.-Z. Kong, M.O. Saar, and D. Vogler, Permeability evolution during pressure-controlled shear slip in saw-cut and natural granite fractures, Rock Mechanics Bulletin, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rockmb.2022.100027 [Download] [View Abstract]Fluid injection into rock masses is involved during various subsurface engineering applications. However, elevated fluid pressure, induced by injection, can trigger shear slip(s) of pre-existing natural fractures, resulting in changes of the rock mass permeability and thus injectivity. However, the mechanism of slip-induced permeability variation, particularly when subjected to multiple slips, is still not fully understood. In this study, we performed laboratory experiments to investigate the fracture permeability evolution induced by shear slip in both saw-cut and natural fractures with rough surfaces. Our experiments show that compared to saw-cut fractures, natural fractures show much small effective stress when the slips induced by triggering fluid pressures, likely due to the much rougher surface of the natural fractures. For natural fractures, we observed that a critical shear displacement value in the relationship between permeability and accumulative shear displacement: the permeability of natural fractures initially increases, followed by a permeability decrease after the accumulative shear displacement reaches a critical shear displacement value. For the saw-cut fractures, there is no consistent change in the measured permeability versus the accumulative shear displacement, but the first slip event often induces the largest shear displacement and associated permeability changes. The produced gouge material suggests that rock surface damage occurs during multiple slips, although, unfortunately, our experiments did not allow quantitatively continuous monitoring of fracture surface property changes. Thus, we attribute the slip-induced permeability evolution to the interplay between permeability reductions, due to damages of fracture asperities, and permeability enhancements, caused by shear dilation, depending on the scale of the shear displacement.
Doctoral Examination Batmagnai Erdenechimeg

On March 3, 2023, Batmagnai Erdenechimeg has successfully defended his PhD thesis, entitled: “Magnetotelluric exploration of intermediate temperature geothermal systems and mineral resources in central Mongolia”.
December 2022, RWTH Aachen
Dr. Paromita Deb has been given the Dr. Karl-Heinrich Heitfeld Award for the best doctoral thesis in the Division of Earth Sciences and Geography.
Read more – link to RWTH Aachen
Dr. Paromita Deb has been given the Dr. Karl-Heinrich Heitfeld Award for the best doctoral thesis in the Division of Earth Sciences and Geography.
Read more – link to RWTH Aachen
On October 28, 2022, Isamu Naets has successfully defended his PhD thesis, entitled: “A pore scale investigation of fluid flow heterogeneity and solute transport in rough-walled fractures”.
The biggest geothermal event in Europe has ended. More than 1300 participants attended EGC2022. The next EGC2025 will be held in Zurich, from 6 to 10 October 2025, organized by Geothermie Schweiz and co-organized by ETH Zurich.
On September 16th, 2022, Po-Wei Huang has successfully defended his PhD thesis, entitled: “Reactive transport modeling at the pore scale and upscaling to the Darcy scale”.
GEG Events
25.03.2025 10:30-11:45
MRI Overview, Applications, and PlanningAdam ALTENHOF (GEG group presentation)
GEG Meetings, ETH Zurich
29.04.2025 10:30-11:45
Tecno-Economic Analysis of ThurgauTabea KAUTZ (GEG group presentation)
GEG Meetings, ETH Zurich
Newest GEG Papers
Refereed journal papers accepted the last 6 months
Underlined names are links to current or past GEG members
Compressed carbon dioxide energy storage in salt caverns holds promise for China's hard-to-abate sectors
Liu, W., X. Duan, L. Jiang, Y. Ju, K. Wen, N. Zhang, A. Hassanpouryouzband, J. Wan, and X.-Z. Kong, The Innovation Energy, 2, 2025. https://doi.org/10.59717/j.xinn-energy.2024.100065 [Download] [View Abstract]Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) is an effective technology for grid-scale peak shaving, while Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) plays a crucial role in carbon reduction. As China strives to peaking carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 faces significant challenges, especially for the hard-to-abate sectors pose significant challenges. Building on the principles of CAES and CCUS, this paper introduces a novel approach: Compressed Carbon Energy Storage (CCES), , which integrates CAES and CCUS. CCES uses salt caverns to store compressed supercritical CO2 instead of air. This study explores the feasibility of CCES in salt caverns, addressing stability, tightness, containment, site selection, and capacity potential in China. Key findings include: 1) CCES, an advanced version of CAES, offers doubles the installed capacity compared to traditional CAES by combining the benefits of both CAES and CCUS benefits. 2) CCES salt caverns in typical bedded salt formations can maintain stability and integrity for 100 years. 3) Optimal cavern depths for supercritical CO2 storage range 800-1500 m, with a minimum cavern volume of 25E+4 m3 for a capacity of at least 300 MW. 4) CO2 storage in salt caverns offers better tightness compared to air, methane (CH4), and hydrogen (H2), with an interlayer permeability threshold of ≤ 1.0E–18 m2 for adequate tightness. 5) Potential CCES sites in China have been identified, with preliminary estimates suggesting a total capacity of 46.62-69.93 GW and theoretical capacity of up to 280 million tons of CO2 for China’s hard-to-abate sectors. (Paper accepted 2024-12-26) Reactivity of Wet scCO2 toward Reservoir and Caprock Formations under Elevated Pressure and Temperature Conditions: Implications for CCS and CO2-Based Geothermal Energy Extraction
Rangel Jurado, N., X.-Z. Kong, A. Kottsova, L. Grafulha Morales, N. Ma, F. Games, M. Brehme, S.M. Bernasconi, and M.O. Saar, Energy & Fuels, 2025. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.4c04515 [Download] [View Abstract]Please enter abstract hereCarbon capture and storage (CCS) and CO2-based geothermal energy are promising technologies for reducing CO2 emissions and mitigating climate change. Safe implementation of these technologies requires an understanding of how CO2 interacts with fluids and rocks at depth, particularly under elevated pressure and temperature. While CO2-bearing aqueous solutions in geological reservoirs have been extensively studied, the chemical behavior of water-bearing supercritical CO2 remains largely overlooked by academics and practitioners alike. We address this knowledge gap by conducting core-scale laboratory experiments, focusing on the chemical reactivity of water-bearing supercritical CO2 (wet scCO2) with reservoir and caprock lithologies and simulating deep reservoir conditions (35 MPa, 150 °C). Employing a suite of high-resolution analytical techniques, we characterize the evolution of morphological and compositional properties, shedding light on the ion transport and mineral dissolution processes, caused by both the aqueous and nonaqueous phases. Our results show that fluid–mineral interactions involving wet scCO2 are significantly less severe than those caused by equivalent CO2-bearing aqueous solutions. Nonetheless, our experiments reveal that wet scCO2 can induce mineral dissolution reactions upon contact with dolomite. This dissolution appears limited, incongruent, and self-sealing, characterized by preferential leaching of calcium over magnesium ions, leading to supersaturation of the scCO2 phase and reprecipitation of secondary carbonates. The markedly differing quantities of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions transported by wet scCO2 streams provide clear evidence of the nonstoichiometric dissolution of dolomite. More importantly, this finding represents the first reported observation of ion transport processes driven by water continuously dissolved in the scCO2 phase, which challenges prevailing views on the chemical reactivity of this fluid and highlights the need for further investigation. A comprehensive understanding of the chemical behavior of CO2-rich supercritical fluids is critical for ensuring the feasibility and security of deep geological CO2 storage and CO2-based geothermal energy. (Paper accepted 2024-12-20) Fully coupled hydro-mechanical–chemical continuum modeling of fluid percolation through rock salt
Yevugah, Y., X.-Z. Kong, C. P. Green, H. M. Halläander, and P. Maghoul, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 186, 2025. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrmms.2024.105985 [Download] [View Abstract]In domal and bedded rock salt geothermal reservoirs, geochemical dissolution of the in-situ rock salt formation can alter fluid transport properties, thus impacting fluid flow. Coupled Hydro-mechanical–chemical (HMC) modeling is a useful tool to evaluate fluid transport through rock salt geothermal systems and to assess their economic potential. Existing continuum-based numerical simulation of fluid transport through rock salt relies on the polyhedral orientation of rock salt crystal boundaries as potential fluid pathways, employing a deformation-dependent permeability model to depict pressure-driven fluid flow through rock salt. However, this numerical approach is exclusively HM-coupled and overlooks the influence of halite dissolution/precipitation on the permeability model. This study extends the deformation-dependent permeability model to account for halite dissolution by adopting a reverse mineral growth approach. Using this extended (HMC-coupled) model, we capture the relevance of geochemical reactions on the response of rock salt formations undergoing pressure-driven fluid percolation. The resulting simulations predict a lower fluid pressure than the HM-coupled scenario, highlighting the impact of halite dissolution on fluid flow through rock salt. (Paper accepted 2024-12-01) Thermal Energy Storage and Recovery in Fractured Granite Reservoirs: Numerical Modeling and Efficiency Analysis
Doonechaly, N., T. Halter, A. Shakas, M. Hefny, M. Brehme, H. Hertrich, and D. Giardini, Geosciences, 2024. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences14120357 [Download] [View Abstract]Although Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) systems are widely researched, Fractured Thermal Energy Storage (FTES) systems are comparatively underexplored. This study presents a detailed numerical model of a fractured granitic reservoir located at the Bedretto underground laboratory in Switzerland, developed using COMSOL Multiphysics. Energy efficiency was evaluated across different flow rates and well configurations, including single-well and doublet systems, as well as for two different temperatures, namely 60 °C and 120 °C. The doublet configuration at an injection temperature of 60 °C with a flow rate of 2 kg/s demonstrated the highest energy efficiency among the cases studied. Potential applications for the stored heat are discussed, with scenarios including district heating for the nearby village and greenhouse heat-ing. The results show that although FTES is associated with unique challenges, it has considerable potential as a reliable thermal energy storage method, and as a cost-effective and competitive approach for climate mitigation (considering the system is solely powered by solar-PV), particularly in regions without suitable aquifers. This study contributes insights into the viability and optimization of FTES systems and highlights the role of fracture/fault properties in enhancing energy efficiency. (Paper accepted 2024-12-20) Towards A Hydrogen Economy: Understanding Pore Alterations in Underground Coal Gasification
Wei, Z., L. Jiang, L. Tao, S. Chen, Z. Dong, Y. Chen, B. Liu, D. Xue, X.-Z. Kong, J. Zhang, and Z. Chen, Journal of Cleaner Production, (in press). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.144325 [Download] [View Abstract]Underground coal gasification (UCG) is gaining significant attention worldwide as a promising clean energy solution, particularly in conjunction with hydrogen production, amidst the global shift towards a hydrogen-based economy. However, existing research on hydrogen-oriented underground coal gasification (HUCG) has primarily emphasized hydrogen generation and syngas production optimization, neglecting a comprehensive analysis of pore space and permeability changes surrounding the cavities during water injection. To address this gap, we conducted a study to elucidate the alterations in pore structure of the surrounding coal seam during cavity development within the HUCG framework. Utilizing a large-scale 3D UCG model with a water injection well, we examined key parameters including temperature, porosity, permeability, and water saturation at various grid points around the cavity. Our modeling outcomes reveal that water injection influences both the cavity's development trajectory and coal pore characteristics, indicating a strong interplay between hydrological and physiochemical processes in UCG. Additionally, analysis of water saturation curves validates sensible injection rates for feasible HUCG implementation. This work provides important insights into the changes in coal morphology during hydrogen-oriented underground coal gasification, offers theoretical support for scaling up hydrogen production and advancing the development of a hydrogen-centric clean energy system. It contributes to the global shift towards a more diversified and sustainable hydrogen-based energy framework, accelerating political decision-making and technological progress. (Paper accepted 2024-11-25)